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From Function Head to CEO’s Valued Adviser

Saturday, April 22, 2017

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Our Guest:

Laurence J. Stybel, Ed.D
Stybel Peabody & Associates, Inc.

Patrick Lynch
The Frontier Group

From Function Head to
CEO’s Valued Advisor –

Psychology Today HR Journey

Board Options, Inc. is a nationally recognized company that specializes in helping boards be even more effective problem solving units through the application of practical behavioral science. Services include:

  • Implementing required Board of Directors Self Evaluation programs.
  • Finding great talent for Boards of Directors/Boards of Advisors. AND staying on to insure smooth transitions.
  • Resolve tension along the Board/CEO axis.
  • Board Retreats and Board Education.

Clients appreciate our reputation for understanding the practical realities of Board of Directors’ dynamics and how carefully we structure programs for clients seeking individualized, sophisticated, and confidential consultation.

  • Board Options, Inc. has earned the trust of leaders in high tech, biotech, health care, financial services, venture capital, professional services, and higher education.

Offices are located in Boston near Faneuil Hall Marketplace and at the Route 128 Bay Colony Corporate Center off Winter/Wyman Street in Waltham.

Clients work with an individualized, multi-disciplined boutique at the local level and have seamless access to a global network of 242 specialists in 112 offices.

As President since 2010, Pat leads The Frontier Group on strategy, client service, innovation, and business development. He is responsible for driving growth and strategic partnerships.He also is directly involved in many of the outplacement, career coaching, assessment tool implementation and executive coaching programs.

Prior to purchasing The Frontier Group in 2010, Pat had a 25-year consumer products marketing career with such companies as Georgia Pacific, Kao Brands, Kraft, HON and Neenah Paper.

In addition to his responsibilities at The Frontier Group, he is also on the board of Special Pops – a tennis-based non-profit for the mentally challenged. Pat is also active in several faith-based career ministries in the Atlanta area along with several youth based mentoring programs through the Atlanta SHRM chapter.

Pat has an MBA in Marketing from Michigan State and BA in Secondary Education from The University of Michigan.