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Channeling Wisdom

Saturday, February 29, 2020 @ 10am

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Mildred Hastbacka, Ph.D.
Channeling Wisdom

Mildred Hastbacka is Founder and Managing Member of Prakteka LLC, a consulting firm focused on managing critical issues at the interface of technology and business.

She has successful and diverse managerial and P&L experience in both public and privately held companies, including a Fortune 100 manufacturing and marketing company, a global professional services firm, and a technology development start-up company. Her consulting clients include Fortune 50 companies, private equity firms, and corporate venture capital funds. She has helped her clients solve such problems as whether and how to invest in high growth, high value emerging technologies; valuation of large and complex product and intellectual property (IP) portfolios for licensing and M&A transactions; and development/commercialization of value-add, proprietary products in targeted user/customer benefit areas.

Channeling Wisdom, A Practitioner’s Guide to Effective Mentoring in the Workplace, reflects and incorporates her experiences as a mentor and as a mentee, accumulated over her decades-long career. Formally acknowledged by her work colleagues as an effective mentor and manager, she has been recognized for her “unique ability to bring humor, leadership and respect to the work environment.” She is considered “an exceptional consultant who gets right to the heart of the problem, and her appreciation of those working with her is abundantly clear…best of all, whether morale is waning or soaring, she is equipped with one-liners to keep the team laughing.”

Mildred has a Ph.D. from Brown University, a B.S. from M.I.T., and a M.S. in Taxation from Northeastern University, where she was inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, the international business honor society.

Branding with Powerful Stories – Replay

Saturday, February 9, 2019 @ 10am

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Greg Stone

Stone Communications

Branding with Powerful Stories –

Greg Stone carries “street credentials” from the years he spent as a journalist. He began his career as a writer at Time Inc. in New York and later worked as a TV reporter in Minneapolis, Boston, and on PBS.  Greg estimates he has conducted at least 15,000 interviews.

Turning down an offer to anchor at CNN in New York, he founded Stone Communications in 1989.  Since then he has consulted for a wide range of global leaders. Representative clients include, Arbor Networks, Capital One, Citizens Bank, Dunkin’ Donuts, Fidelity Investments, Harvard Medical School, IBM, Lego, Massachusetts General Hospital, McKesson, MIT, 3M, Timberland, and many politicians. He is also a frequent guest-lecturer at Harvard Business School where he has an ongoing assignment to media-train the faculty.

Greg has written and directed hundreds of productions, ranging from 30-second commercials to corporate videos to feature films. His professional honors include three Emmy Nominations.

Greg is the author of the acclaimed book Artful Business: 50 Lessons from Creative Geniuses, designed to stimulate the imaginations of thinking managers. His new book Branding with Powerful Stories: The Villains, Victims and Heroes Model appears in December is an outgrowth of his seminal Harvard Business Review article about the irresistible lure of villains in communication. Greg is a sought-after speaker in the United States and abroad.

Ever curious about other cultures, he studied French, Italian and German as an undergraduate, earning an AB degree with honors from Harvard College, followed by two master’s degrees from Columbia University in journalism and business.

Greg resides just outside Boston with his wife. Their daughter is in medical school and their son in college. The family also includes a rescue dog.

Branding with Powerful Stories

Saturday, February 9, 2019 @ 10am

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Greg Stone

Stone Communications

Branding with Powerful Stories –

Greg Stone carries “street credentials” from the years he spent as a journalist. He began his career as a writer at Time Inc. in New York and later worked as a TV reporter in Minneapolis, Boston, and on PBS.  Greg estimates he has conducted at least 15,000 interviews.

Turning down an offer to anchor at CNN in New York, he founded Stone Communications in 1989.  Since then he has consulted for a wide range of global leaders. Representative clients include, Arbor Networks, Capital One, Citizens Bank, Dunkin’ Donuts, Fidelity Investments, Harvard Medical School, IBM, Lego, Massachusetts General Hospital, McKesson, MIT, 3M, Timberland, and many politicians. He is also a frequent guest-lecturer at Harvard Business School where he has an ongoing assignment to media-train the faculty.

Greg has written and directed hundreds of productions, ranging from 30-second commercials to corporate videos to feature films. His professional honors include three Emmy Nominations.

Greg is the author of the acclaimed book Artful Business: 50 Lessons from Creative Geniuses, designed to stimulate the imaginations of thinking managers. His new book Branding with Powerful Stories: The Villains, Victims and Heroes Model appears in December is an outgrowth of his seminal Harvard Business Review article about the irresistible lure of villains in communication. Greg is a sought-after speaker in the United States and abroad.

Ever curious about other cultures, he studied French, Italian and German as an undergraduate, earning an AB degree with honors from Harvard College, followed by two master’s degrees from Columbia University in journalism and business.

Greg resides just outside Boston with his wife. Their daughter is in medical school and their son in college. The family also includes a rescue dog.

Competing in Today’s Business Environment

Saturday, May 5, 2018 @10am

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Gary Epler, MD, CEO
Epler Health Inc.

Competing in Today’s Business Environment –

Dr. Gary Epler is an internationally known Harvard Medical School professor and thought leader in health, fitness, nutrition and people-centered leadership. He is an award-winning author and has impacted the lives of people throughout the world through his speaking engagements, books, and teaching. He has been called upon by individuals from around the globe who have a rare lung disease called BOOP that he discovered. Dr. Epler is a successful entrepreneur. He has been founder and CEO of three companies that include a biotech company, a nutraceutical company, and the current medical risk consulting company. He is a sought-after speaker, addressing audiences about health, fitness, nutrition, and leadership.

Dr. Epler believes personalized health empowers people. Dr. Epler has written four health books in the critically acclaimed “You’re the Boss” series about people taking charge of their health including Manage Your Disease, BOOP, Asthma, and Food. He is currently completing an American Lifestyle book about health, fitness and entrepreneurship.

Five Components of Well-Being:

Happiness: Feeling good, optimistic, and being happy is an integral part of a successful, fulfilling life. Set up your day to attain as much happiness as possible.

Engaged in life: This means experiencing the current moment. It means knowing what you are doing, what you want, and where you’re going. And, not buried in texting.

Meaning in life: Do something that’s bigger than yourself. Help a person or support a business or the community without receiving anything in return.

Accomplishments: Set your life up so that you achieve continuous accomplishments. These can be small daily accomplishments or long-term big accomplishments. Savor the time and feeling when you’ve accomplished a task.

Positive social interaction: Talk to people in a positive way so that your comments cause a positive feeling in the person you are talking to. This can be a self-renewing trait as you will receive positive feelings in return that will last the day.

Ten Health Practices:

Love life: Life is to be enjoyed. Look forward to the day and anticipate a great day. You’re going to have positive things happen throughout the day and night. Cherish and enjoy them.

Nutrition: Eat healthy foods that will not harm you – no added sugar, no added salt and a healthy omega-6/omega-3 ratio.

Sleep: Obtain eight hours every night to restore the adenosine energy chemical and obtain sufficient REM sleep.

Exercise: One hour of continuous exercise every day for energy and stress relief. And you may meet your spouse.

Learn something new: This will provide a huge boost of energy and sense of accomplishment. Learn something unrelated to your work – the further away from your familiar interests, the better.

Alpha-brainwave meditation time: This is daydreaming. The benefits include feeling good; decreasing stress; balancing brain realms that include the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, hippocampus and amygdala; and increasing longevity of the telomeres at the end of the chromosomes for longer cell life.

Compassion: Self-esteem will let you down, but compassion for yourself will always help. Have compassion for others. It’ll make you feel good.

Gratitude: Be grateful for what we have. This grounds us and prevents us from thinking too much about ourselves and from feeling entitled.

Self-healing: Using the power of our mind can result in the healing of injuries and illness from simple bumps to complex dysfunctional disease. You can learn self-healing.

Be your true self: Once you totally become your true self, you will have an immense feeling of freedom. This includes freedom from criticism, from insult, from disappointment, and from failure. You will no longer use blame, excuses, criticism, or complaints.