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The Importance of Demography

Saturday, March 23, 2013

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Our Guest:

Kenneth W. Gronback

KGC Direct, LLC

The Importance of Demography –

Ken is President of KGC Direct, LLC and author of the current bestselling book The Age Curve: How To Profit from the Coming Demographic Storm. He is an internationally respected demographer who has been able to forecast societal, commercial, economic, cultural, and political phenomena with uncanny accuracy. His unusual blend of marketing savvy and common sense demography, based on 17 years of proprietary demographic study, set him apart. He keynotes all over the United States and does customized demographic research.

You will find that his steadfast position that the United States is the best nation on earth and his firm belief that the country’s best days are ahead season his spirited presentations with an unmistakable pro-American enthusiasm.

Mr. Gronbach built KGA Advertising, Inc., a $40 million consumer/retail advertising agency, from the ground up in the 1980s and 1990s. One of his clients, a fashion apparel retailer, grew from $10 million in annual sales to over $400 million in annual sales on Mr. Gronbach’s watch.

His first book, Common Census, the Counter-Intuitive Guide to Generational Marketing, was released in 2005. His book, Decades of Differences, Making it Work, is a comprehensive guide to coping with three generations in the workforce and was released in 2011 by HRD Press.