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Affordable Care Act and Disabilities in the Workplace

Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 2pm

Download the Show Audio Here



Carrie E. Baker
Senior Account Executive
Norton Financial

Affordable Care Act –

Carrie came to Norton in July of 2011 through an acquisition of her firm, C. Baker & Associates.

Carrie has been an employee benefits broker for 14 years and enjoys providing creative solutions and a high level of service to her clients. As a classical violinist, Carrie plays with the MidCoast Symphony.

She loves sports and is an avid golfer and tennis player. Carrie resides in Falmouth with her husband, Peter, and son, Tyler.



James Baumer
Maine Business Leadership Network (BLN)

Disabilities in the Workplace –

Download James’ Audio

The director of the Maine Business Leadership Network (BLN).

He brings 10 years of workforce experience and a passion to help others succeed to his role with the BLN.

In addition, he’s an entrepreneur, a sought-after speaker, a writer and blogger, as well as an independent publisher with three books in print and new ones on the way.