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Rich Layton – Cutting the Cost of Confusion

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Communication confusion is more then just another daily inconvenience as it impacts productivity, market share and ROI. Cutting the cost of confusion demands the ability to distill, integrate and synthesize information from a broad range of perspectives and disciplines.

In this episode, host CMA’s David Ciullo discusses with Rich Layton, Chief Clarity Officer of Transform Communications, his new book , Cutting the Cost of Confusion; Eliminate the High Price of Failure to Communicate.

Rich discusses the “secret sauce” of a disciplined methodology which blends strategic communication with risk management, which empowers leaders to overcome their organization’s communication challenges.

About The Guest:

Boasting the checkered resume of a Renaissance communicator, Ricard (Rich) Layton has been a writer, video producer, factory worker, photographer, rock and roll musician, creative director, marketing director, and agency vice president.

He founded his consultancy Transform Communications to work “under the hood” of complex business and technology initiatives to engage, educate and inspire those on whom success depends. With a focus on benefits realization, Rich and select Transform partners create integrated knowledge bases and technical documentation systems that have delivered, literally, millions of dollars in bottom-line benefits. It is these decades of experience that provide the foundation for his book, “Cutting the Cost of Confusion.”

Prior to establishing Transform, Rich was vice president and creative director for Lunar Productions in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was involved in brand-building and advertising for such notable brands as Federal Express, Holiday Inns, Embassy Suites, ITT, Trustworthy Hardware, and Wyndham Hotels. Recognition for Richard’s work includes awards from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), Society for Technical Communications, International Telly Awards, Houston International Film Festival, and the Blue-Chip Enterprise Award. His articles, editorials and white papers have appeared in professional publications, on websites and course reading lists around the world.

Richard also has been a keynote presenter and workshop leader in a variety of forums including the Center for Information-Development Management, Software Association of Oregon, Portland State University (MBA program), HR Network, and the Association for Quality Improvement and Productivity.