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Tough Love Approach

Saturday, June 1, 2013

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Our Guest:

Cy Wakeman


Reality Based Leadership

Topic: Tough Love Approach
in the Workplace –

A dynamic national keynote speaker, business consultant, author, and trainer. After a successful career as a counselor, Wakeman has spent the past 18 years consulting with some of the biggest companies in industries ranging from manufacturing, banking, government, high-tech, and healthcare, to help them incorporate reality-based concepts into leader and employee training programs. 

Wakeman is a highly sought-after conference headliner, delivering over 150 keynote programs and reaching a combined audience of over 250,000 annually. She holds a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers’ Association, placing her within the top 3 percent of speakers worldwide. 

 Wakeman also received the2012 Outstanding Leadership Award from the World HRD Congress in Mumbai. Wakeman’s first book, Reality-Based Leadership, is a straightforward and practical guide for leaders who want to reduce office drama and improve personal accountability with their teams. Her new book, The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace, looks at this issue from an individual employee perspective.