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The Thriving Hive

Saturday, September 15, 2018 @10am

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Mari Ryan, MBA, NHP, CWP
CEO & Founder
Advancing Wellness
Author of
The Thriving Hive:
How People Centric Workplaces
Ignite Engagement and Fuel Results

The Thriving Hive –

The Thriving Hive is a simple, yet insightful story about a company CEO whose organization is no longer attracting and retaining the kinds of employees the organization needs to remain competitive and keep their customers happy.

Her mentor, the former CEO, introduces her to two very different beehives and his unconventional look at how organizations can support or diminish the well-being of their employees.  The Dive Hive reveals the pitfalls of leadership that focuses on profits. While the Alive Hive shows how productive a workforce can be when the culture prioritizes employee well-being.

The story, replete with interesting characters, takes you on a journey as the bees experience hive-threatening situations and shows how each hive prepares for and deals with adversity.  You’ll meet the management teams and worker bees who represent typical employees in any organization and learn from the CEO’s observations.

This business parable is a quick read for anyone who wants guidance for creating a culture of well-being, purpose, vitality, and satisfaction, for an all-encompassing employee experience.

The story shows why organizations should put their people first and why the well-being of the workforce is the most valuable asset of any business that wants to be successful for the long-term. In this book you will learn:

  • How to create an organizational culture that supports the well-being of the workforce
  • The link between employee well-being and engagement, productivity and commitment, and
  • Strategic viewpoints and tactical practices that support employee well-being.