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Peter Gore – Maine’s Paid FMLA Program

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In 2023, the Maine legislature passed what many have referred to as the broadest paid family medical leave in the United States. Most agree, that it is the most significant workplace policy in Maine in the last four decades.

The law itself creates challenges for businesses and leaves many unanswered questions for both employers and employees. Join host Tawny Alvarez from Verrill as she talks with Peter Gore, Senior Government Relations Specialist, Maine Street Solutions, about the legislative process behind this bill’s enactment and what employers can expect moving forward.

For anyone who has employees in Maine—whether one or one thousand—this is a can’t miss show.

About The Guest:

Peter Gore joined Maine Street Solutions as a Senior Government Relations Specialist in December 2022. Prior to joining Maine Street, Peter spent 28 years at the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, initially as a Senior Governmental Affairs Specialist, and then in 2008, he was named the Executive Vice President for Advocacy and Government Relations.

In his role, Gore represented more than 5,000 business members before the Maine Legislature, the Office of the Governor, and the public in the specific areas of workers’ compensation law, labor/management issues, and healthcare/health insurance and economic development topics.

Prior to joining the Chamber, Gore was the Director of the Office of Public and Legislative Affairs at the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.

Gore received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine. He resides in Brunswick with his wife.