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Saturday, October 29, 2016 @10am

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Our Guest:

jeff-frommJeff Fromm


Although not a millennial as defined by his age, Jeff Fromm is the Millennial Marketing Guy. Jeff is President of FutureCast, a marketing consultancy that specializes in millennial trends and is a contributing writer at Jeff is also a frequent speaker on marketing and consumer trends and brand innovation. Jeff has spent significant time researching the millennial audience and is the co-author of “Marketing to Millennials” (2013) and “Millennials with Kids” (2015).

Jeff has over 25 years of marketing consulting experience across dozens of brands ranging from Build-a-Bear to Whole Foods Market. He is a member of the Board of Directors at Three Dog Bakery, Service Management Group, Tickets For Less & FutureCast. Jeff is a graduate of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and remains actively involved in the alumni network as a regular content contributor.