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Mark Gonska – Executive Presence: Do You Have it?

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Executive Presence is a certain set of attitudes, behaviors, and skills which and when combined, send the right signals, influence others, and ultimately drive results. How would you rate yourself in this critical area?

In this episode, host CMA’s David Ciullo discusses with Mark Gonska, Founder of Career Accelerator and Career Management Associates’ Senior Career and Executive Coach, Executive Presence; Do You Have “It”?

This critical skill is a combination of confidence, poise, and authenticity that convinces the people around you that they in the presence of someone who’s the real deal.

About The Guest:

Mark is the career accelerator. He has helped thousands of professionals advance in their careers.

He demystifies, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” and “How do I get a better job faster?” As a rainmaker, Mark has built an outplacement practice from coast to coast.

His unmatched relationships with clients and candidates are built on candor and commitment to address problems head-on and solve them. As a collaborative leader, Mark drives top line and profitability growth.

He’s built strategic alliances, developed new products, and delivered operational excellence. He’s action-oriented in all roles: teacher, mentor, and coach.