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From Paper to Digital

Saturday, July 22, 2017

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Our Guest:

Lynn Siska
Director of Sales
New England Document Systems Inc.

From Paper to Digital –

Lynn has been the Director of Sales at New England Document Systems (NEdocs) for over 25 years. She is passionate about brainstorming paperless solutions and takes pride in providing the “right fit” of products and services for each company. She participates in project consulting, planning, and works closely with new and existing business relationships to maintain a standard of excellence.

Established in 1983, New England Document Systems has excelled in providing professional document scanning services and paperless solutions for the HR community. NEdocs offers the solution for digitizing HR records with a scanning bureau of approximately 100 people, running multiple shifts. Dedicated to providing backlog scanning services and collaboration for on-going strategies, options include e-forms and HR specific workflows to enhance departmental efficiencies, reduce operational costs, and improve security. Document Retrieval can be handled with Cloud based or on- premise software complete with audit trails to ensure compliances.