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Corporate Wellness and Negativity

Saturday, February 15, 2014

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Our Guests:

Lisa Jing


Lisa Jing
CEO & Founder
Synergy At Work

Employee Health and
Corporate Wellness –

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Lisa G. Jing is Founder / CEO of Synergy at Work, a consulting company dedicated to transforming the workplace into an environment where people are their whole and best selves.

Lisa specializes in an integrated, whole-person approach to Employee Engagement which emphasizes Employee Health and Well-being as a cornerstone of company culture. Prior to starting her own company, Lisa was recognized as a thought leader in integrated health solutions in the corporate sector.

As Senior Program Manager on Cisco’s award-winning employee health initiative, Lisa developed strategies and implemented programs to enhance the well-being of employees and their families. Her focus was integration of mental and physical health to build greater resilience and sustainability in both individuals and organizations; development of industry leading metrics to optimize the human capital management strategy; and innovative approaches to explore how health and well-being contribute to overall employee engagement. She is a popular speaker, panelist, and exhibitor at corporate and industry events.

Her passion is to bring more spirit to the workplace through organizational culture change and groundbreaking programs which foster integration of mind, body, and spirit. Lisa holds an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Loyola Marymount University and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego. Her career portfolio includes clinical counseling and crisis intervention, healthcare marketing, technical recruiting, consulting, and human resources. She is a contributing author to the bestselling Adventures in Manifesting series.

Dr.  Amy Wood


Dr. Amy Wood, psy.d.
Life Your Way

Navigating Negativity
in the Workplace –

Download Amy’s Audio

Through speaking, training, consulting, and one-on-one sessions, psychologist Amy Wood has helped countless adults from all walks of life and work to articulate and accomplish their own versions of success.

Known for her pragmatic optimism, she believes that every human being is a unique and valuable individual with the inner resources necessary to overcome any challenge. Dr. Wood earned her doctorate from the Adler School of Professional Psychology, is certified by the College of Executive Coaching, and is based in Portland, Maine.

Dr. Wood is the author of Life Your Way: Refresh Your Approach to Success and Breathe Easier in a Fast-paced World an award-winning personal improvement book that surpasses quick-fix self-help rhetoric with a sustainable program for adapting to our perpetually hectic age. She is a co-founder of sPeak performance, an organization offering presentations, coaching, and consulting for professional development.

She is a National Speakers Association member, and is often called on for her expert opinion by media ranging from local newspapers to Parade Magazine. To learn more about Dr. Wood, visit her websites at and