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Chris Cluff – Evolving HR Compliance Challenges for Small Businesses

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Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy, and the pace of HR compliance change has been at a record setting pace in 2022 and now 2023 with no signs of it slowing down anytime soon.

In this episode, host CMA’s David Ciullo discusses with Chris Cluff, President of Papertrails, Evolving HR Compliance Challenges for Small Businesses. Learn what and how your small business can do to comply with issues like Earned Paid Leave, Vacation payout requirements, Paid Family Medial Leave, State Retirement Mandates and more.

About The Guest:

Chris Cluff is the President of Paper Trails, a payroll & HR firm located in Southern Maine. A fierce advocate for his clients and the small business community as a whole, Chris closely monitors legislative and regulatory changes at the federal, state, and local levels. Ensuring that his clients are on top of these regulatory changes has become a passion project. Each month, Chris hosts an educational webinar, disseminates countless blog articles and infographics, and works directly with clients to help them shape their internal policies and procedures to maintain compliance with regulations and laws while maintaining strong company cultures.

Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, Chris advocates not only for small businesses but also for his community. A lifelong resident of Kennebunk, Maine, he has served as the youngest-ever elected member of the Select Board, serving as Vice Chair for two years. Currently, Chris serves as the Vice Chair of the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, and Arundel Chamber of Commerce and leads its young professionals group.

While payroll and HR are boring yet necessary evils for small businesses, Chris considers his firm to be one of the trusted advisors on every client’s team. Gone are the days of just your attorney, accountant, and financial advisor being your triad of advisors; the HR role is increasingly necessary for small businesses to succeed. Adding value to just the normal, transactional payroll relationship, the team at Paper Trails, with Chris’ leadership, continues to wow their clients with exemplary client retention and satisfaction ratings.