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Carol Bowser – Conflict Management at Work

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Have you ever heard a team member tell an employee to “calm down?” Has this ever resulted in the employee calming down, or instead does this simply escalate the situation?

While employers spend significant time on training managers on how to do their job or what employment laws require, very rarely do we see companies focusing on providing tools and resources for employees to manage conflict and de-escalate conflict at work.

On this episode of HR Power Hour, join co-host Tawny Alvarez as she talks to Carol Bowser, attorney and founder of Conflict Management Strategies as they discuss conflict management at work.

This episode will have important takeaways for all individuals who spend their day in a work environment engaging in any way (virtually and in person) with other people.

About The Guest:

Carol Bowser, J.D is a workplace conflict expert. After practicing Employment Law for several years, Carol founded Conflict Management Strategies when she realized a lawsuit can’t deliver the level of resolution and satisfaction that is gained when people are actively involved in creating solutions to their workplace conflict.

Carol’s clients come with a wide range of employers because conflict is universal across all industries and types of organizations. Where there are people, there is conflict. The key is to help people recognize and address conflict before it damages working relationships and creates organizational drag.

In her over 20 years of experience, she has discovered some universal themes about workplace conflict and loves to share how people at all levels can

strengthen their conflict resolution muscles.