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Active Shooters and the Aftermath

Saturday, March 20, 2021 @ 10am

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Shawn O’Leary

Show Topic:

On this episode of HR Power Hour, join Tawny as she talks to Shawn O’Leary, Executive Vice President of Dirigo Safety, LLC, about active shooter training and the importance of having a plan in place to respond to the aftermath of an attack. 
Most employers think that it could never happen to them. Their organization is staffed with great people, and none of them would ever wish harm on their co-workers. In many situations, however, the threat is not from one of your employees but from a third party. 
Have you recently performed a security assessment of your physical location, are your employees trained on how to respond to an active shooter incident, do you have a plan in place as to how to respond in the aftermath of such an event? Tawny and Shawn will discuss best practices in responding to all these concerns and how to keep employees as safe as possible should an active shooter event occur at your workplace. 

About The Guest:

Shawn O’Leary is our Executive Vice President who joined the Dirigo Safety LLC in 2016. Also, he oversees our Policy Development Services, Online Training Programs for Maine Law Enforcement agencies, Executive Selection, and Recruitment Services, Supervisory Promotional Examinations & Assessment Center Services.
He also oversees our Workplace Violence training and On-Site Security Assessments products. He provides a sense of ease and understanding for those clients he interacts with while ensuring that they gain critical information through superior customer service. Shawn has over 36 years of law enforcement experience, 15 of which have been at the Command Level and Senior Executive Level.

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