Saturday, October 1, 2016 @10am
Our Guest:
Adam White
National Speaker, Author
A Leader Others Will Follow: The Power of Influence
A Leader Others Will Follow –
Adam White is one of the most motivating speakers and personal development trainers that you will ever hear or meet. He is a best-selling author with his book, “A Leader Others Want to Follow: The Power of Influence” and his set of training audio CD’s: “The 7 Keys to Overcoming Fear”, “The 7 Tests of Great Leadership”, and “The Success Principles of Public Speaking.” Adam at one point lost everything in his life and was forced to move into his parents basement. Adam searched deep within himself and asked his creator what his life purpose was. That discovery led to Adam turning his life of loss around completely. In just 2 short years, Adam bought a Subway Franchise, started several small businesses and invested in more than 14 real estate properties. Adam quickly began to develop his ability to help others to live out their passion, their purpose and their mission.
Today Adam shares his message, tools and strategies with audiences across the U.S. speaking to various industries on the principles of leadership, the power of influence, human behavior and the psychology of why people and organizations succeed and fail. 10 years of research and a lifetime commitment to growth had empowered him to become an expert and share is knowledge with the world. When Adam comes to your organization or works with you one on one, you will be challenged to change, inspired to achieve more, destroy limiting beliefs, develop influential leadership skills, and become great in every area of your life both professionally and personally.